Report A Trademark Issue
Tell us about yourself
I am a trademark holder.
I personally hold the trademark
I work directly for the company that holds the trademark
I am an authorized representative, e.g., law firm, marketing or PR company.
I would like to report misuse of someone else's trademark.
Your Information
This is the email we will use to contact you.
Trademark Holder's Information
Trademark Information
Please provide the exact registered mark.
Registration number should correspond to an active and officially registered trademark. Pending trademarks are not sufficient.
The agency you registered your trademark with, e.g., USPTO.
If you have a direct link to your trademark record, please provide that URL.
About the infringing material
Where was the infringing material mentioned?
In a Pushee post
In a Pushee channel (Channel name, avatar, or about)
In a Pushee user's profile (Profile avatar, or about)
Please provide a detailed description of the infringement. Please note that we are unable to process a DMCA takedown for Pushee messages that do not contain links to allegedly infringing materials unless the content of the Pushee message itself is copyrighted.
Required Statement
I declare under penalty of perjury that all of the information provided above is accurate.
Your Information
This is the email we will use to contact you.
Trademark Holder's Information
Trademark Information
Please provide the exact registered mark.
Registration number should correspond to an active and officially registered trademark. Pending trademarks are not sufficient.
The agency you registered your trademark with, e.g., USPTO.
If you have a direct link to your trademark record, please provide that URL.
About the infringing material
Where was the infringing material mentioned?
In a Pushee post
In a Pushee channel (Channel name, avatar, or about)
In a Pushee user's profile (Profile avatar, or about)
Please provide a detailed description of the infringement. Please note that we are unable to process a DMCA takedown for Pushee messages that do not contain links to allegedly infringing materials unless the content of the Pushee message itself is copyrighted.
Required Statement
I declare under penalty of perjury that all of the information provided above is accurate.
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Only the trademark holder or an authorized representative of the trademark holder may file a complaint. Please see our
Trademark Policy
for more information